Meaning of Plea and Types of Plea - Thelegalpedia

Meaning of Plea and Types of Plea

What is a plea?

Under section 323(1) Criminal Procedure Code; a person may be convicted of an offense either on his confession or by evidence on oath of one or more credible witnesses or both. If a person is charged with an offense, he can plead guilty to that offense before trial.

A plea is the response of the defendant to the charge read to him in court. The defendant shall be expected to give a response during his arraignment. a plea is the response of the accused to the offense that is charged in the court. the court shall be expected to read the charge to the accused person and also expect him to give a response to it.

The plea of guilt can be made in any manner which shows that it is intended as such. It may also be made orally in open court or by written statement called pleading addressed to the Court.

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The plea of guilt should ordinarily be made at a very early stage so that there is no unnecessary delay in disposing of a case but at any stage, before judgment, if there are compelling reasons for doing so.

A plea of not guilty means that you deny committing a particular offense. A person who pleads not guilty does not admit to having committed an offense but claims innocence based on some legal defense like alibi, insanity, etc. When a criminal defendant pleads not guilty, it means that he denies being responsible for committing the crime alleged against him and wishes to fight his case in court.
A criminal defendant has three options when choosing how to plead

  • Not Guilty
  • Guilty
  • No Contest. In many states, defendants have the fourth option:
  • Guilty by Alford Plea. An Alford Plea is different from a regular guilty plea because it allows defendants to maintain their innocence while accepting punishment for their crimes.

Types of Plea

For criminal cases in which charges are brought against an individual, there are a variety of options. The accused may plead not guilty, guilty, or no contest. For criminal cases in which charges are brought against an individual, there are a variety of options.

The accused may plead not guilty, guilty, or no contest. A plea of not guilty indicates that you deny committing any crime. A plea of guilty means you admit to committing a crime but do not agree with all of the facts alleged by prosecutors; you may also plead guilty if prosecutors have agreed to recommend a lighter sentence than they would otherwise seek. A plea of no contest means you do not dispute that you committed a crime but wish to forego trial entirely.

Classification of Pleas

There are three main types of plea- not guilty, guilty and nolo contendre. Nolo Contendre (Latin: I do not wish to contend) is a type of guilty plea in which you do not admit guilt, but agree that if proven guilty you will accept punishment.

It should be noted that a nolo contendere plea is considered a conviction by law in most jurisdictions, however, some jurisdictions don’t punish those who plead no contest with jail time or fines.

For example, in California, pleading no contest is treated like a guilty plea for all purposes except it can’t be used against you as an admission of guilt in any civil suit. In California, it also cannot be used against you for immigration purposes.

Meaning of Plea and Types of Plea

A plea is the accused person’s response to the charge that was leveled against him. the law is that the prosecution shall be expected to read the charge to the accused in the court and after reading it to him, the accused person shall be required to answer to the charge. the accused’s response to the charge that is read to him in the court is what is called a plea.

the plea can either be guilty or not guilty. It is guilty when you committed the crime that you are charged with in the court and it’s not guilty when you are innocent of the crime.

For example, you might say that you pleaded not guilty because you did not commit any crime or that you pleaded guilty because you did break a law. If you plead guilty to a charge in court, it means that you admit committing an offense and agree to pay a fine or serve jail time.

If you plead not guilty, it means that you deny committing an offense and intend to defend yourself in court. In some cases, pleading no contest (or nolo contendere) means that you do not admit guilt but are willing to accept punishment as though you had admitted guilt.

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A plea bargain occurs when prosecutors offer defendants a lighter sentence if they plead guilty instead of requiring them to go through with the trial. A pardon is when someone who has been found guilty receives an official reprieve from prosecution or punishment.

Crimes in Which Plea Can Be Made

The following types of criminal cases in India can be decided by accepting a plea. Homicide, Rape, Attempted Murder, Kidnapping, Abduction, Dacoity, etc. Pleading Guilty Will Result in: Depending on the nature of the crime and case law in your jurisdiction, pleading guilty will often result in reduced sentencing.

If you are facing charges that could result in incarceration or other harsh penalties, it is worth exploring whether it would be beneficial to plead guilty as opposed to taking your chances at trial. There are some instances when pleading not guilty may still lead to a lighter sentence than if you were convicted after trial; however, there is no guarantee of such an outcome.

You should always consult with an attorney before making any decisions about how to proceed with your case.

File A Plea of Alibi: A defendant who claims to have been somewhere else when a crime was committed has pled alibi. To do so, he must first establish that he had no connection to the commission of the offense—for example, by showing that he was out of town at the time or had witnesses who saw him elsewhere.

What is the Difference Between a Plea and Pleading?

The difference between a plea and pleading is that a plea is a choice in law or fact that an accused person makes when he or she pleads guilty, not guilty, nolo contendere (no contest) or not guilty by reason of insanity.

A pleading, on the other hand, refers to all legal documents filed with a court such as summonses, motions, complaints, and responses. In addition, pleadings are written statements describing a party’s position about another party’s allegations or claims. For example, a defendant might file a motion for dismissal based on a lack of subject matter jurisdiction over his case; however, if the motion is denied then he must file an answer stating his position about what has been alleged against him.

What is a Plea Bargain?

A plea bargain also called an agreement or plea agreement is an alternative to going to trial and comes after the defendant has been arrested and charged with breaking the law. The defendant may decide that pleading guilty will result in a reduced sentence, such as probation instead of jail time, or in having less serious charges dropped against them, such as misdemeanor instead of felony status.

In addition, sometimes defendants agree to plead guilty as part of receiving immunity from prosecution on other charges related to the same incident or crime.

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