Motion in Spanish - Full Meaning - Thelegalpedia

Motion in Spanish – Full Meaning:

Motion in Spanish – Full Meaning

Motion in Spanish is pronounced as moción. Motion in Spanish is a written application made by an applicant pleading with the court to grant certain reliefs.

Motions in Spanish are drafted by Advocates, solicitors, and Attorneys on behalf of their clients to fight their cause. They are usually in written form and filed in court.

Motion is meant to be filed in the court with an Affidavit and written Address.

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There are two types of motion in Spanish, to wit: Motion on notice and Motion Ex parte.

Motion on notice in Spanish

Motion on Notice in Spanish is pronounced as moción sobre la notificación and it is the application filed in court with the notice of the opposing party. Motion on Notice in Spanish is meant to be filed by the party that is seeking some relief from the court and it’s meant to be served on the other party.

It’s the law in Spain where Spanish is one of their languages that if you fail to serve the motion in the other party that the court shall be ready to strike out the motion on notice.

Motion Ex Parte in Spanish

Motion Ex parte in Spanish is far different from motion on notice.

Motion Ex parte in Spanish is pronounced as moción exparte and it is usually filed in the court by the applicant that is seeking some relief in the court without giving the opposing party notice.

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The other party is not meant to be informed of the motion that is preferred against him.

In Spanish, the only eye-catching thing is the way that motion is pronounced.

Affidavit in Spanish

Affidavit in Spanish is pronounced as declaración jurada and alternatively, affidavit in Spanish can be pronounced as

It is the court process that is filed in support of a motion (motion on notice and Motion Ex parte)

Affidavit in Spain is also meant to be deposed before the commissioner for the oath. The party that deposes an affidavit is known as a deponent.

An affidavit in Spanish is also meant to contain only a statement of fact concerning the transaction involving the parties.

The Affidavit in Spanish shall contain all particulars about the deponent, his name, address, and occupation.

The maker of the affidavit in Spanish shall not tell lies about it because an affidavit in Spanish is also meant to be given on oath.

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